Titan Group NA is an outsourced sales solution for manufacturers looking to grow their business in North America. We’re a professional sales team with experience in transactional, consultative or solution-based selling scenarios both direct to end users or through distribution.
Titan Group NA is an outsourced sales solution for manufacturers interested in growing their business in North America.
Our current product portfolio consists of:
More than a sales agency, Titan Group NA has the experience to help manufacturers build a sales and marketing strategy to scale their business.
Automated Tapping Systems (ATS) is the leading producer of in-die tapping units in North America. For more than 25 years, ATS has designed, engineered and produced more tapping units than any other industry peer. ATS' focus is tapping stamped parts in the press, as opposed to in a secondary operation.
automatedtappingsystems.comMold Base Industries (MBI) is a leading manufacturer of custom mold bases to the plastic injection and die cast industries. MBI's wide range of machining capabilities allow customers to increase their throughput and optimize internal resources by focusing on more critical machining details in the mold or die.
moldbase.comDMS is a supplier of standard and special components to the injection molding and die casting industries. Through DMS, customers gain access to over 12,000 part numbers and excellent customer service. DMS not only offers standard, catalog products but also makes custom pins.
dmscomponents.comTipco Punch is a supplier of pierce tooling, mechanical die springs, nitrogen gas springs and scrap removers to the metal forming industry. Tipco’s core business is precision machining, which allows them to manufacture to a customer’s CAD data or print. We have CNC lathe, grinding and hard milling capability in the US and Canada. In Tipco traditional pierce tooling business, they offer customers the best combination of price and performance in the industry.
tipcopunch.comDiehl Tool Steel Inc. is a metal service center focused on conventional tool steels, matrix tool steels, powder metallurgically produced tool steels, mold steels, carbon steels, alloy steels and stainless steel products.
Titan Group has over 1000 active customer relationships and we quickly add value to new principal relationships by providing local knowledge of our markets.
Titan Group NA’s customers supply a multitude of industries including aerospace, appliance, automotive, office furniture, medical, performance racing, defense, lawn equipment and more.